Connecting Unreal Engine’s Lyra and UltraDynamicSky Sound

This is a simple setup to connect Unreal Engine's Lyra Sound Settings Menu with UltraDynamicSky’s Sound for Weather.

  1. Open up your Sound Class Main under /Game/Audio/Classes/Overall. This will open up a graph That looks similar to the below image.
  2. You’ll need to drag and drop your UltraDynamicSky (UDS) Sound classes here to create a reference to them.
    1. Alternatively, click the Class you want to make them children of, I recommend the SFX Class. and add them to the Child Classes field under details.
  3. Last thing is to select each of the new child nodes, and under the Details panel, Modulation, Enable Volume Modulation, and set the class to be PP_DefaultSFX.
Lyra Audio Graph with UDS